Interactive educational systems
We develop interactive educational systems that help effectively train employees to work with new equipment, conduct certification and monitor the level of knowledge.
The main task of modern education is not just to give students fundamental knowledge, but to provide them with all the necessary conditions for further social adaptation, to develop the propensity for self-education.
One of the main tasks for today's teachers is to make the learning process interesting for students, dynamic and modern. And interactive technologies have come to the aid of teachers in this regard.
Interactive technologies
in education
Interactive educational systems help to solve a wide range of tasks related to learning and testing of the acquired knowledge of students while working with new equipment.

Immersive technologies in education bring the student closer to the conditions described in the teaching material, immerse them in the situation they are learning and encourage them to take active action

Simulators for the training of personnel:
VR helicopter engine assembly/disassembly simulator
A set of hardware and software products, which allows to educate and train students to achieve the necessary skills with the control of the result in a virtual reality environment.

VR-simulators develop sustainable skills in working with different types of equipment, controlling technology, practicing social and professional behavior patterns
Interactive simulators will help:

- Train personnel quickly and efficiently, with full immersion in the training environment, without distractions

- Practice personnel behavior during abnormal situations in a controlled environment

- Conduct staff appraisals

- Reduce cost and time spent on training

- Reduce injuries
Locomotive brake system simulator
Interactive educational systems:
SANY Richstacker forklift trainer
Interactive educational systems, as well as VR-simulators help our customers to solve a wide range of tasks. Related to training and testing of the obtained knowledge of employees when working with new equipment.
Interactive technologies in training bring the listener as close as possible to the conditions described in the training material, immerse them in the situation under study and encourage them to take active action.
Educational systems will help:

- Get the same high level of training for organizations with multiple divisions and branches

- To unite all employees and teachers of an organization into one educational environment

- To carry out certification and control of learned knowledge.
Freight train rounder simulator
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